LegalTech StackShare
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Tech stack intelligence provides real-time visibility into all the software, tools and services used by your colleagues, both inside and outside your organization.
Legal StackShare Community
Thousands of legal professionals share their stacks, favorite tools, advice, and opinions on thousands of technologies. Ask for advice, contribute your expertise, and stay current with the latest tech trends.
Our platform gives companies real-time visibility into all the tech stacks in use across their teams. Enterprise helps legal teams–both in-house and law firms–make smarter decisions on procurement and improve governance.
Legal Stack Enterprise
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Why Contribute?
In addition to your core subscription benefits, join our shared LVN to:
Promote Peer & Market Driven Standards.
Differentiate in a commoditized market by displaying a commitment to better client service through technology & enhance compatibility
Personalize your Theorem Marketplace experience with tailored recommendations, RFP and insights into updates that affect your stack.
Access premium vendor insights + integrations.
Enhance compliance with our TPRM solutions.
Educate students, prospective employees and tomorrows leaders to gain proficiency in your technology stack.
Only for law firms and in-house legal*
Combining workflow, SSO and utilization tracking in a single digital gateway will reduce the costs associated with numerous redundant subscriptions–opening a new door to innovation.
CKO - AM Law 100
The obstacles impeding shared vendor knowledge have been blown away. Collaboration can bring about the standardization we need for broader adoption.
In-House COO, Citizens
Firms should help their clients understand the transformational technologies that affect their business and promote digital solutions for routine matters.